Kudurru: The Game-Changing Anti-Web-Scraping Tool for Artists

Home » Kudurru: The Game-Changing Anti-Web-Scraping Tool for Artists


A New Tool on the Block: The Art-Saving Kudurru

Article breakdown:

  • Introducing Kudurru, a newly developed tool that armors artists against unethical web scraping.
  • Brainchild of the creator of Have I Been Trained?, Kudurru takes the fight against art plagiarism to the next level.
  • The tool can block web scrapers, hindering them from copying and illegally sharing an artist’s work.
  • Stepping beyond protecting pre-existing content, Kudurru can also trick scrapers by ‘poisoning’ their scraping with incorrect images.
  • The brilliant mind behind the tool paints a hopeful picture for a safer digital future for artists.
  • Kudurru looks to tackle deep-rooted issues within the art community, providing a safe haven for creativity.

The Main Story

Have you ever heard about web scraping? It’s kind of like snatching all the candy from a candy store: whip-quick and usually done without much consent. Artists particularly suffer at the hands of web scrapers who tend to treat artists’ works like a buffet table, picking what they want, when they want. Now, hold on to your digital paintbrushes because here comes the superhero of all anti-web-scraping tools – Kudurru (cue heroic music).

Kudurru borrows its name from ancient Babylonian boundary stones, signifying its purpose to build a boundary around the land of artistry, protecting it from brutal web scrapers. After all, every artist wants their work to be viewed, appreciated, and credited, not stolen and repurposed without their blessing.

This little piece of anti-plagiarism magic is the brainchild of the same genius who gave us “Have I Been Trained?”. Now, the creator has come forward to fortify artists against digital threats with Kudurru.

Kudurru, in a nutshell, disrupts the buffet party web-scrapers usually enjoy at the artists’ expense. It stands as the robust door that guards creators from content plagiarism. However, what really cements its place as a unique tool is its ability to not just block web scrapers, but “poison” them into ingesting the wrong image. Talk about software with a sense of poetic justice!

This doesn’t mean that your favorite seafood painting will turn into a sketch of a beef taco for the scrapers, no. Instead, it means that scrapers fishing for images will be served wrong or misleading results, squandering their efforts to extract original art images.


In a world where digital platforms are the norm, Kudurru arrives as a fresh gust that promises artists a safer, more just Internet. The tool is set to tackle some of the dark underbelly issues tormenting the digital art community, offering them a safer ground to ply their trade.

A Final Bite – The Hot Take!

In my books, Kudurru is much more than just a piece of software. It symbolizes a wave of change, a beacon of hope for artists. As one who covers tech news, it’s exhilarating to see innovations that empower, rather than exploit, the creative community.

Web scraping is panache in all the wrong ways. It saps the essence of originality and appreciation, replacing it with exploitation. Kudurru, in response, doesn’t simply restore the balance; it shifts it in favor of those who’ve been long wronged. It’s not just any tool; it’s a stamp of rebellion against unjust practice. And honestly, isn’t that what art is all about?

So here’s to Kudurru: a toast to a flourishing creative community where art is not just celebrated but protected. Let’s welcome the caricaturing of web scrapers, fighting fire with fire all the way!

Original Article